How could it be that my naturally kinky tresses do not have body? I thought that thickness and fullness of hair was a black woman's birthright and therefore the beast that we have been trying to tame via pressing comb, perms and flat irons?
The first couple of days after sister locking my hair I realized that I would have to come to terms with a couple of things or my natural journey would be over quickly: 1) The lack of hair extensions flowing down my back and 2) My flat, lusterless natural hair. The twists were neatly done in about 3/4 inch segments, the idea being that the more twists I have the fuller my hair will be. That is not what happened. My near shoulder length hair just hangs limply, teasing the back of my neck. Each time I look in the mirror I have to ask "Is this natural hair thing for me?".
To add insult to injury, a young woman who I only know in passing commented on my hair today. She said "Oh, you took out your extensions. Why? The looked so pretty". Now if I was not already feeling like I had a bed of limpness laying upon my head, I may have had a quick comeback. However, I too miss my extensions and the length and fullness they added to my hair. I did feel more feminine and "pretty" with them in. To all my fellow natural sisters I have to ask: Does adding extensions to my hair mean that I am no longer officially "natural"???