Giving Thanks

I cooked this Thanksgiving as I have for the last couple of years. It is now a requisite that I provide a delicious gluttonous meal for my children and the family members that choose to stop by since my grandmother only cooks for Christmas these days. Each year I think I get better and more comfortable in my role of Thanksgiving Chef. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays as it is not a pagan/christian hybrid holiday as many others are (i.e. Easter and Christmas). There is no mythical character to explain in association with God so I don't have to teeter in the uncomfortable place between lying to my babies and crushing their imagination. Thanksgivings parameters are simple, give thanks and stuff your face. This year I don't have a long list of things that I am thankful for. This has been a long and trying year and there have been times where I was not sure I would be able to withstand the meteor shower of hard times. I am thankful that my children and I have made it through the worst of it and are on the road to recovery and for the simplicity of Thanksgiving.